Monday, September 14, 2009

Eco-Fair was a Success,..

'Go Green!'

thanks to those who participated,came out and sponsored this event. We had about 25 vendors, including sponsors like local banks and even a hybrid and electric car there! I gave my lecture on how going and being 'Green is NOT a 4 letter
word'. I think it went well. You can catch my speel on the local radio station this link.They are out of Greene and columbia counties of upstate NY in the hudson River VAlley area. I think it was great exposure for me as an designer and for my busness'Artzstuf'. Thanks you to all who made it memorable. For those of you who couldn't attend or participate, you missed out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Eco-Faire approaching..september 15th in CAiro,NY

'Go Green!'
Is going to be down at the park. I will be a guest speaker and i will be doing my beer bottle cap jewelry class and displaying them again..anyone with a 'Green' blog and or business who makes 'Green' product or offers an earth friendly service, can contact me as I will be displaying people's merchandise at my table and if it sells you will get a commission on it instead of paying to be a part of fairs as they are pricey as a rule. i am getting a table free since am speaking and teaching. HOw cool is that?!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Uncommon Finds..

'Alterity Art's reused button jewelry.

More upcycled wearable art,jewelry and other items such as garden decor, can be found here.

'Go Green!'

Green Articles ..

'upcycled wearable art,jewelry from tuna fish cans'

Upcycled, art as it is now called, is all the rage. What is it? It is reusing old product such as in this case tuna cans to make accessories like earrings. For more articles on 'Green' news like this, go to link. 'Go Green!'

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Green Tips and Videos for FREE..

here through the chamber of commerce of Cairo,Greene County,NY.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Toss your ol' detergent and fabric softener aside for 'Green' alternative..

'Be Green and look good too' Asley from organic farm in Germantown, ny near me.

Try fabic sheets taht are detergent too so less to recycle or biodegrade, is that a word?! Read more with 'Champage Living',blogger.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Trash house

Yeh you heard me right. Some people are making their homes from recycled material from dumps,dumpsters,recycling plants..Read more

my 'green art',earrings in honor of 'Earth day',april 22nd and the 'green fair' i am attending and the 'Green ART' class I am teaching at the local library in Hudson Valley, NY,Cairo on april 20th.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Green Fair

will be held April 25th and 26th to coincide with 'Earth Day'. It will be held a the Dutchess County Fair Grounds in Rhinebeck,NY. I will have a table of my 'Green ART' and hope to sell some of it there.  i also will be offering a FREE art class for the first 15 visitors of my table.  They will be able to make their own 'Green ART' out of recycled beer bottle caps! Yes you can make earrings which dangle off a regular earring back. Think GREEN! Our planet thanks you...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Arianna Huffington from Huffington press fame goes Green..

Yes Arianna is turning 'Green' too these days!
i WILL BE AT A 'gREEN fAIR' BEiNG HELD AT THE dUTCHESS cOUNTY faIR gROUNDS ON aPRIL 25TH AND 26TH. 'gREENINGREENE' LIKE GREEN IN gREeNE COUNtY WILL BE sharing a table with me although they are involved wtih turbine alternative Green energy but is good as is no competition for a 'Greenie' like me as i will be there with my 'Greene'Art made from bottle caps and reusable metal from tuna cans. yeh i make wearable art namely jewelry from it like see in pic. HOpe to see you there! If you are a green company and want to paricipate in this event, by sending me some literature about you and your 'green' company, by all means do! I will add it to my table. i plan on sharing the benfits of 'Green' cleaning products i use like 'Greenworks' by Clorox and even how to save big on bringing a drink from the frig. with you in an 'Ecocanteen' stainless steel bottle! 'Terrafurnishings' makes 'Green' furniture and i think i will get some literature on 'Green' homes like building with the solar energy and reusable wood in mind instead of tearing down trees in the forest. I will share on how i compost my cat litter as i use pine or cedar litter which is biodegreadable and the waste is thrown in a garbage pail that has a hole in the bottle and I throw 'Rid=ex septic fluid in it to eat it up! i will also get some peole fro the 'CSA' farm in Germantown to speak on farm to table produce instead of buying from your local super market. They even have milk from their goat and eggs from their chickens! They will be at the farmer's market this year. i will also se if i can get soem people or literature from'Buy Greene!' which is a campaign to buy in Green county Ny especially handmade product from artists and artisans. "go Green!" I will be teaching a class on 'Green Art' too around the 22nd of April,Earth Day, at the Cairo library.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Green Dating?

Makes their own soap! talk about being sustainable!!

Yes, apparently now it is is cool to be Green and many Greenies want a guy or gal who is into the planet and saving it as much as them! You Ecosexuals are definitely getting sexier..Are you? Do you care? Are you alive? If so, please comment in the comments section and be the 1st to do so on this new blog! Read more

Michelle's jewelry

Michelle's jewelry
is made from recycled materials


Blog Author and Artist

My new beer bottle jewelry

My new beer bottle jewelry
by Artzstuf

Entrecard, Visit,Drop,Comment,Promote..Each Other!


Come see my ART!

Lavendar Fields Forever!

Lavendar Fields Forever!

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