Saturday, January 30, 2010

More upcycled Art,Jewelry Fashion with Tara St. james as..

'Go Green!'
she uses old zippers in her jewelry. how cool is that?! Also can see and read more on her at this page. Also includes a fashion show that is earth friendly.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Upcycling trend Spawns an Industry...

jewelry made from recycled materials at Etsy by Michelle
'Go Green!'
More and more people are going Green and are showing their concern for the planet and their wallets by buying products made from recycled materials such as what I do with beer bottle caps. I make earrings out of them. Others are joining this trend. You can read more on this in this article.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rebekah Green goes Green..

'Go Green!'

Green link is here with her video from Discovery channel show.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yeh! My page rank went up to 3! Finally.

'Go Green!'

Now I need my other blogs to go up as well! My Alexa rank has gone down though as I rarely drop on entrecard anyomore as I have better things to do. In my opinion, I shouldn't have to influence people to read or visit my blog. If they like it they will come. All I need to do is make a nice page that is user freindly and make sure it is well advertised so people hear of it and then the fact it is interesting to others as well as my self and useful and fun will be enough.

Michelle's jewelry

Michelle's jewelry
is made from recycled materials


Blog Author and Artist

My new beer bottle jewelry

My new beer bottle jewelry
by Artzstuf

Entrecard, Visit,Drop,Comment,Promote..Each Other!


Come see my ART!

Lavendar Fields Forever!

Lavendar Fields Forever!

free web site traffic and promotion