Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day approaching...

'Go Green!'

what will you do to commemorate this important day for us and our planet,including the many species of animals and plants living on it? I am not sure,myself as nothing going on here as a community sadly.  I suppose will just continue to live as green as I can.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dig up old glass bottles 4 earth day..

'Go Green!'

Did you know that  back in the old days like up til the 1950's, there were no garbage trucks and people used to bury their trash in their back yards in dumps just out of sight like in the woods.  In fact if you take a walk in the woods, you find several old dumps.  Ugh. I've been digging at some of these dumps,up some of the bottles and selling them for money so am helping clean up the earth as these bottles aren't smashed and glass isn't biodegradable. So what will you do for earth day?

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My new beer bottle jewelry
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